In which I Learn to Write
Most recent update: 21-02-2024
I decided to try to learn how to write fiction, with a focus on crime/thriller fiction, at least for now.
I have historically not read very much fiction, favoring technical, biographical, and historical non-fiction. So far I like crime stories, though, so I thought I would keep going down that path. They tend to be relatively easy reads, because the whole point is that the story pulls you along with the promise of telling you a secret later on. Everybody likes being in on a secret. Before this, the only thriller/crime type books I have read in the past couple of decades are The Lies of Locke Lamora, The Da Vinci Code, The Blue Nowhere, (the book I stole my nick from) and recently, One of Us Is Lying & One of Us Is Next. So, like I said: not much fiction.
I'm going to try to keep this blog to document my efforts. it will probably mostly end up being a log of what books I read. I'd like to keep track of what I read, watch, and write in pursuit of learning this new skill. For reading, I'll write down my thoughts about the book, which will hopefully help me learn to read more critically over time. I'll also drop any thoughts about whatever tutorials I read or watch. Eventually, if I don't get distracted too quickly, whatever short stories I manage to write will end up here as well.
The book reviews will be from the perspective of someone who doesn’t know shit about writing, but is trying to learn. Not necessarily any sort of useful literary critique, I’m mostly trying to have an eye towards specific mechanical things in the book that worked for me, or didn’t.
h/t to David for the name.